Police Disabled Singles

Retired after 35 years. Divorced. In search of a lady that can knock my socks off!

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Lets meet and have fun and go from there. Just want humor and fun. Lets start and go from there.

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Hi, I'm Jim. As being older (70), I have done a lot of things. Military, college, jobs, career. Helping growing up a daughter. During the highs and lows, I try to have a positive (must of the time) with humor. But having two strokes with Aphasia...

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I am looking for a beautiful soul that will want to be my last everything.

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I am 6'3" about range between 200 and 210 lbs. Have on 18 year old son I am still very involved with. Looking for someone to meet and date. Love to laugh and have a sarcastic sense of humor. Think my sense of humor come from working in public...

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I'm a loyal man looking for the same in my partner. Looking for a long-term relationship leading to marriage and or a family. I love long car rides to quaint eateries. I collect many different things, online auctions....etc.

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Well I'm not sure what I expect to get on here. Been in a wheelchair since 2004 and prior to that was sick from 9/11/2001 injuries/illness. Haven't walked in over 20 years. I've been sick and hospitalized Many times in the past several years. I know...

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