Reggae Disabled Singles

5ft 10 big fem 26 plus size clothes Physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident I have dyed short hair dark brown very attractive I am a very big fem

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i want to find right woman for me i look for deaf or hard hearing

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Outgoing Fun Guy who likes to SHOP and have Fun... ***Happy Valentines Day *** Hope you have a Special Day and week *maybe I can be your Valentine?* Hello Ladies** *Thank You! for viewing my profile* Have a super 2024 My name is David**, I...

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Hi my name is Adriana. I’m 35 and looking for a nice guy. I work as a recreation services assistant in Toronto and like spending my free time with my family and friends. I enjoy trying new restaurants with friends, good movies and swimming. I’m...

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Hello there Bella Here . 35 years of age disability I try and not let it get the best of me. Looking for a friend.

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Retirement has been great. Still staying active with family, friends and recently joined a health club to keep my mind and strong.

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