Latin Disabled Singles

Easy going. I love the outdoors. Enjoy camping in the middle of nowhere. Live a good life, in spite of being an incomplete paraplegic

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I have a good sense sense of humor, trustworthy and am a caring person. Also, quite an outgoing person who likes movies, concerts and restaurant. I am an artist who draws and I am continuing learning to play guitar. I am looking for a woman who...

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Hi my name is Adriana. I’m 35 and looking for a nice guy. I work as a recreation services assistant in Toronto and like spending my free time with my family and friends. I enjoy trying new restaurants with friends, good movies and swimming. I’m...

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Someone honest and loving who will not only be your friend but partner in life.

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Just looking for a friend that would hopefully turn to more...Lots of laughter and excitement looking forward to what's next on our agenda. Also, going to church together. I walk with a cane and sometimes a walker.

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Well I’m new to thing I’m just looking for love u never no what could happen looking for some one who loving caring loyal honest don’t live a double life just be just self

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Hi… I’ll start by saying I’m built for comfort not for speed lol. I’m no Kardashian, but I’m real. I’m honest, straight forward, heavyset and independent. Oh, and if you’re looking to sky dive, hike, or jog, that’s NOT ME. I will also add , I am not...

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have great day and email me ball 🏀 player and like with female playing video together and walking after, sand, forest, villiage,

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Im 34. I love horror movies, Halloween, cosplay, tattoos, piercings, and being positive! I enjoy walking and exploring places. I like to travel and meet new people.

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