Pop Disabled Singles

My names Todd. I’m 42. I want what most people want in a relationship. True Love, and to be treated with respect. I’m looking for someone who can be honest, faithful, caring, and can see me for who I am as a person and not for my disability. I live...

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Sziasztok kedves lányok és hölgyek! Szeretnélek megismerni komoly kapcsolat céljából. Én 43 éves 170 cm 110 kg barna hajú és szemű férfi szemüveges vagyok. Bács Kiskun Megyében Kunfehértón élek. Komoly kapcsolat reményében páromat keresem.

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I’m quiet, caring, but a bit shy; I’m new to dating after being separated for two and a half years. I don’t walk very well due to arthritis and use a mobility scooter to get around, but I try anything that I can, I do drive if I want to go longer...

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Hello there I have high functioning autism I like playing video games building computers I love the outdoors I love going UTV I love cuddling on the couch with that special somebody in the future just trying to find my soulmate my favourite colour...

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5ft 10 big fem 26 plus size clothes Physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident I have dyed short hair dark brown very attractive I am a very big fem

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Hi, I’ve always had an attraction to women with disabilities since I can remember. I’m looking for someone that wants a relationship.

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I'm new to this online stuff so be gentle with me! I'm looking for a friend maybe more. I'm on oxygen and pretty much home bound. I can get out if I take my wheelchair. I have 2 dogs and a cat. I love animals. I enjoy watching tv and movies. Just...

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