Movie Lover Disabled Singles

Hi my name is Adriana. I’m 35 and looking for a nice guy. I work as a recreation services assistant in Toronto and like spending my free time with my family and friends. I enjoy trying new restaurants with friends, good movies and swimming. I’m...

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I’m an ambitious guy. I was a self employed business owner until last year. Now I’m recently divorced. Yep… I’m starting over after 21 years. It’s my turn to let go of some responsibility and have some fun. Don’t worry… I have a plan for the future...

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I have a good sense sense of humor, trustworthy and am a caring person. Also, quite an outgoing person who likes movies, concerts and restaurant. I am an artist who draws and I am continuing learning to play guitar. I am looking for a woman who...

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Neurologic issues, limiting mobility. Cause not found.

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i want to find right woman for me i look for deaf or hard hearing

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Well I’m new to thing I’m just looking for love u never no what could happen looking for some one who loving caring loyal honest don’t live a double life just be just self

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I am a down to earth man I like doing art and play some games 🎮 I like to spend time with my friends and family I like going fishing 🎣 and having a good time

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My names Todd. I’m 42. I want what most people want in a relationship. True Love, and to be treated with respect. I’m looking for someone who can be honest, faithful, caring, and can see me for who I am as a person and not for my disability. I live...

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Sziasztok kedves lányok és hölgyek! Szeretnélek megismerni komoly kapcsolat céljából. Én 43 éves 170 cm 110 kg barna hajú és szemű férfi szemüveges vagyok. Bács Kiskun Megyében Kunfehértón élek. Komoly kapcsolat reményében páromat keresem.

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