Exotic Animal Lover Disabled Singles

Easy going. I love the outdoors. Enjoy camping in the middle of nowhere. Live a good life, in spite of being an incomplete paraplegic

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My name is missy and i my be different but i have a big heart ... Usually down to earth , honest , loyal and a social butter fly... I and looking for some one who is honest , loyal, likes me. Me and not into playing games. . hopefully someone i can...

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Care sweet gentelmen who enjoy the great outdoors

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A single gentleman, looking to be friends and see where it goes from there. I'm intelligent, talkative, humorous, observant, and a good listener. Surviving in this crazy world, but would love some outside views and to share it with others.

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I am just trying to find a friend, I'm divorced mom, still live with my kids but there young adults, I'm dine by choice, not into games, just honesty and communication, empathy, genuine,

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Looking for a best friend 1st, anything else would be a bonus, I'm a pretty busy guy with multiple businesses and I coach boys baseball. I need a woman that can roll with my arrangement.

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I’d really rather chat to get to know someone but I’m laid back and mostly happy .. thing is I like being intimate .. hope u do too .. text me

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Always up for a laugh, and always willing to give people a chance; there is always more than meets the eye. I'm not disabled, I just don't discriminate. Whether you're disabled or not shouldn't be a factor.

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