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my name is brian Age 49 From Toledo, Ohio . Online - Now
Man Seeking A Woman (119 Miles Away)

im looking for nice and caring and honesty
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Looking for love Age 47 From Bear Creek Township, Pennsylvania . Online - Now
Woman Seeking A Man (383 Miles Away)

Well I’m new to thing I’m just looking for love u never no what could happen looking for some one who loving caring loyal honest don’t live a double life just be just self
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Looking for someone special Age 41 From Toronto, Ontario . Online - Today
Woman Seeking A Man (314 Miles Away)

Hi my name is Adriana. I’m 35 and looking for a nice guy. I work as a recreation services assistant in Toronto and like spending my free time with my family and friends. I enjoy trying new restaurants with friends, good movies and swimming. I’m...
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Where have all the good men gone? Age 51 From Phoenix, Arizona . Online - Now
Woman Seeking A Man (1661 Miles Away)

I'm just looking for someone who's sweet, honest, funny, and loving. Because… Those things are me. I'm wondering what is out there. I have no idea what it's like these days. Profiling myself is this - I had a major fall from my workout (I know...
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Searching my ride or die! Age 46 From Camden, Ohio . Online - Today
Man Seeking A Woman (3 Miles Away)

46yr old looking for my real ride or die, must like the outdoors
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Disabled Singles Dating: A Unique Community in Dunlap Kansas Just for You

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Join for free and find out why we’re the most popular dating site for disabled singles. Our community welcomes hundreds of singles looking for love, understanding and compassion. It also welcomes hundreds of those willing to love and cherish someone. Not everyone can understand chronic disabilities or has a heart big enough for it. Join and find your perfect partner.